Commonly Asked Questions

Where does Discover Health have offices?

Currently, we have offices in California from Santa Barbara to Sacramento. We are constantly expanding and let us know if you would like us to come to your area. Get in Touch.

What type of health insurance do you work with?

San Francisco and Marin Discover Health locations are direct pay and do not accept insurance or Medicare.

For our other locations, you can find a list of the group insurance plans accepted here.

How is concierge medicine different?

Discover Health members get access to their medical team 24/7, no waiting rooms, same or next day appointments, home appointments are often available and a doctor who knows your name.

The average primary care doctor in the United States has between 2,000 - 3,000 patients. Our doctors have a fraction of patients so members get great care.

How much does Discover Health cost?

We’d love to talk to you. Reach out to our membership team and one of our team members will reach out to you shortly. Get in touch!

Which locations offer pediatric memberships?

Our San Francisco location had three incredible pediatricians to care for our children members.

All other locations have internal medicine and family medicine doctors

Looking to sell your practice?

If your are interested in selling your practice, we’d love to connect. Reach out to our team here!

Is Discover Health hiring?

Yes! We are always looking for great talent. Take a look at our careers page. Don’t see a role you are interested in, email us at careers@discoverhealthmd.com

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